Presbyopia is characterized by a physiological and progressive weakening of vision, due to a hardening of the lens and relaxation of the muscle that regulates accommodation. (Accommodation refers to the natural ability of the lens, through very small movements, to change focus depending on the distance of objects).

Presbyopia is not a disease but a normal physiological phenomenon related to age.

Presbyopia usually manifests itself after the age of 40/45 with a series of disorders, such as difficulty reading the newspaper, looking at the personal computer screen or distinguishing small objects well up close.

Simple presbyopia, or when both eyes require the same number of diopters, is easily corrected with reading glasses.

Measure your diopters

Please note, this is a purely indicative test; it cannot be reliable in the presence of additional defects other than simple presbiopia.

Read without glasses the text below at a normal reading distance:











+ 3.00

If you read these words with difficulty, then you need this gradation +3.00

+ 2.50

If you read these words with difficulty, then you need this gradation +2,50

+ 2.00

If you read these words with difficulty, then you need this gradation +2.00

+ 1.50

If you read these words with difficulty, then you need this gradation +1.50

+ 1.00

If you read these words with difficulty, then you need this gradation +1.00


If you can read this text from a distance of 30 cm you don't need reading glasses yet!

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